Coaching is a essential part of success, whether it is learning how to self coach or being supported by another coach – we all learn through collaboration.
Structured coaching sessions have proven to produce the best results when it comes to achieving goals in life and in the workplace. None of us know all we can know, and a coach will always bring another perspective, another level of experience and another supporting voice to help encourage you to stay focused on results.
As individuals at work, each of us have a part to play in the success of an organisation. Whether it is the business of saving lives or the business of earning a profit, each person has a role in how well that organisation functions. Managers play a vital role in influencing and enhancing staff performance.
In life we achieve success through focused energy but in reality we sometimes we can lose sight and focus. Coaching is a professional relationship designed to support and address challenges through creating change.
Change is not all about being reactive and adaptive. Being able to create change by being proactive and driven is as important, if not more so than reacting or adapting accordingly. Coaches help to motivate, guide and develop others. Coaching is a collaborative, focused process to create and deliver the change that is wanted at the times it is required.
We offer a program of coaching which includes a copy of the best selling book ‘Win: Proven Strategies for Success in Sports, Life and Mental Health’.
We offer:
A program of coaching designed to teach basic TA theory to help coaches implement these into their work, their day to day life and their relationships. This also includes a copy of the best selling book ‘Win: Proven Strategies for Success in Sports, Life and Mental Health’.
The types of areas our coaching program helps with are:
I’ve found the coaching sessions to be extremely beneficial. I have found far more confidence in myself as a leader as a result of the sessions we have had. I don’t think I would have been as successful in turning around my relationship with one team leader without the sessions.I think the sessions I’ve had have proved extremely valuable in the recent round of performance discussions with staff. I’ve been able to have open and honest discussions with each of my staff around their performance and my expectations of them.
I think the main value I have gained so far from our coaching sessions has been the sounding board where I have been allowed the head space to work through some challenges with my teams. I gained verification, acknowledgement, and confidence in each instance which was both useful and powerful. Also tying these situations back to the T.A. (Transactional Analysis) principles helped me to better understand the underlying drivers and where my focus was or needed to be.
I’ve been really impressed that my company has invested in this coaching. It’s the first time they have invested in across-the-board formal coaching for First Level Leaders and Managers.For me, this has been an opportunity for personal and in-depth coaching in an area that I’ve not had covered in any training previously, and where I’m not as strong as I need to be. I’m learning and practising new styles of communication, and working through ways to communicate issues with my managers as they come up. As well as helping me communicate better with my managers, the skills I’m learning are helping me to better communicate with my staff. I’m better able to put myself in their position if they are themselves having issues communicating with me or others. What I’m learning in the coaching is very transferable.
Probably the most valuable thing that I have got out of the sessions is that they are an excellent way to step outside the day-to-day detail of what I do, and to think strategically about where my team is heading, and how we get there, and what I can do to help this. As a coach you bring a lot of clarity to my thinking on my leadership, as being external you have the ability to view issues simply.
I do not think I would be gaining anything like this depth of understanding and experience in any other forum than 1-1 with a skilled coach. It is also great to have the ongoing sessions as that really means growth and consolidation of new approaches is possible. It seems like having something poured in a meaningful way helps to change the nature and quality of what can be given out.
The sessions have been very practical, focusing on the issues at hand. This has been where the real value has come, because the issues are completely relevant.
Everything we have discussed is geared towards me becoming a more effective leader. A key theme from the sessions has been setting boundaries, communicating clearly, and learning to negotiate properly. These are essential skills for any leader (and to be honest, anyone in life).